Spring Singles and Mixed Doubles Leagues
3rd Feb-28th March
About the Event
This is aimed at all levels Ladies & Men and also for juniors 13yrs+, who are at the competing level.
Start Date: 3rd February
Finish Date: 28th March
Entries Close: 17th January
Cost per person to enter:
Singles - £10 (to pay for admin and prizes)
Doubles - £5
Both the singles and doubles leagues is mixed. Please state the name of your partner if signing up for doubles.
All matches are a pro set first to 8 games, a tiebreak is played at 7 Games all and the tiebreak is first to 10 Points and two clear.
Warm-ups kept to a max of 5 mins. No sit down at a change of ends as this can waste time and close matches may exceed the 1 hour court booking.
Depending on the number of entries, groups are to be kept smaller so people can finish all their matches.
Bonus Points:
6 bonus points if 3 matches played within first 3 weeks
4 bonus points if 2 matches played in first 3 weeks
These will be filled in after 3 weeks
The groups and contact details will be sent out via email and all the groups and points will be updated weekly and posted in the clubhouse/online.
Competition Organiser: Scott Weaver
We hope you enter and we can make this league grow as it gives everyone a purpose to compete and enjoy playing singles and doubles matches. Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/spring-singles-and-mixed-doubles-leagues-tickets-1113749277069?aff=oddtdtcreator