When: Tuesday, 24th January 2023, 7:00pm
Venue: Caesarean Tennis Club, Grand Vaux, St Saviour, Jersey
The EGM agenda is as follows:
1. Introduction by CCLTC Chair
2. Presentation of Padel Project Proposal by JPC Ltd
3. Q & A
4. Membership Vote on Motion
5. Close
The following motions is put before the members:
“The Executive Committee, acting on behalf of The Club, shall enter into detailed negotiations with Jersey Padel Club Limited for the establishment of a padel facility within the grounds of the Club.
These negotiations will be based on the commercial proposal submitted to the Executive Committee by Jersey Padel Club Limited.”
Committee Position
The Executive Committee does NOT support the motion due to:
Fundamental change to the original JPC proposal; it is now a commercial venture rather than a ‘gift’ to the Club
Ownership of Padel Court infrastructure remaining with JPC
Lack of confidence in commercial forecast provided by JPC
Proposed split in revenue between JPC:CCLTC not in CCLTC’s favour
Potential for conflict in priorities between Tennis Members/ Padel Players
No draft legal agreement has been provided for review by CCLTC
No clear mechanism for dispute resolution between CCLTC and JPC
NO; the committee shall discontinue negotiations and no padel facility will be built by Jersey Padel Club Limited. The Club should proceed with resurfacing the outdoor courts.
YES; the committee shall enter into detailed negotiations on the basis of the Jersey Padel Club Limited proposal.
Voting Rules
Eligibility; Playing Members, Social Members and Veteran Members are eligible to vote at the EGM
Quorum; a quorum of 20 members is required for the motion to pass. Should a quorum not be achieved, the motion will be assumed to be ‘No’
Proxy Voting; - Proxy voting is permitted via electronic voting until 7:00pm, 23rd January 2023 - Eligible members will receive an email link to vote via ‘Mail Chimp’ - Only one vote per member is permitted
In-Person Voting; Eligible members who have not cast a proxy vote will be provided with a ballot paper at the EGM
Result; The proxy and in-person votes will be tallied at the EGM and the result of the ballot will be announced
Background to the EGM
November 2020 - the Club received an unsolicited approach by Island Padel Limited with a proposal to build three Padel courts, the positioning of which would have meant removing astro courts 5 & 6. To leave then only 2 astro courts 7 & 8, together with some other aspects of the proposal, was not acceptable to the Committee and in the view of the Committee was not suitable or appropriate to take to the members. The Committee after investigating the detail of the option felt it was not in the best interest for the Club and the proposition was declined.
January 2021 - The Government of Jersey announced a post COVID-19 Fiscal Funding programme to stimulate economic activity on the Island. After review, the Club decided to submit our Expression of Interest. The application required a “project” and was not on offer for general maintenance. Padel Tennis was agreed as a positive project option which would include the relocation of our ageing hitting wall and the resurfacing of the remaining astro courts to deliver the project overall. This, in the view of the Committee and the Club Manager was a proposal most likely to succeed and to achieve the best results for the widest range of members at the Club. An application was subsequently submitted, however the Club was unsuccessful in securing grant funding.
Q1 2021 – The Club received and unsolicited approach by Jersey Padel Club Limited to provide funding, in the form of a gift, to the Club for removal of astro court 5, and construction of 2no. padel courts, relocation of the hitting wall and improvement the outdoor area around the clubhouse.
22 April 2021 – 1st EGM held at The Club where the following motion was passed: In the event the Club is not successful in securing grand funding via the Fiscal Stimulus, the members agreed in principle for the committee to progress negotiations on the Padel project on the basis that a detailed proposal would be presented to the members prior to any formal commitment to the project. It was understood no expense would be incurred by the Club and all expenditure would be at Jersey Padel Club Limited’s risk.
25 June 2021 – Planning application (P/2021/0797) submitted to GoJ planning department.
13 May 2022 – Planning permission granted.
28 November 2022 -Commercial Proposal received from Richard Brocken on behalf of Jersey Padel Club Limited
24 January 2023 – 2nd EGM to decide on whether to continue detailed negotiations with Jersey Padel Club Limited based on the proposal
The existing outdoor synthetic grass courts were last resurfaced in 1996. A decision on whether to proceed with resurfacing these courts is pending subject to the outcome of this EGM.
Summary of Jersey Padel Club Proposal
Jersey Padel Club Limited will provide The Club with funding for design and construction of: i. 2no. covered padel courts including lighting and spectator area ii. New hitting wall provided next to clubhouse iii. Refurbishment of club facilities: bar, kitchen and changing rooms
Outdoor court no. 5 will be removed
Padel courts will remain property of Jersey Padel Club, i.e. can be removed if Jersey Padel choose to do so
Jersey Padel Club have proposed subscription fees (£350) including standalone JPC and reduced fees (£250) for CCLTC members. CCLTC does not receive any income from subscriptions.
Jersey Padel Club/ CCLTC will receive 80%/20% of court fees respectively
No agreement has been made to date to proceed with the project
No draft legal arrangement has been provided for review by CCLTC
The following is not included in the Jersey Padel Club Ltd proposition:
Quantum of funding for resurfacing of the remaining outdoor Astro courts (6,7,8)
Replacement/ repair of outdoor court fencing
Provision of electric bike charging points required as a condition of Planning
Use of CCLTC office/ clubhouse by JPC
Jersey Padel Club
Jersey Padel Club is a private limited company incorporated in Jersey in 2020.
Its founder and director is Richard Brocken.
EGM Minutes - 22nd April 2021
JPC Proposal