Adult Membership
Full paying membership entitles the member to the use of all of the club’s facilities and the opportunity to participate in a range of organised club events, tennis leagues and tournaments. Social membership entitles members to full use of the Clubhouse only. Each year members will have the opportunity to enter the ballot for Wimbledon tickets which have been allocated to the Club by the LTA.
Junior Membership
Junior membership entitles the member to join our junior squads that run during term time, these are very popular and a great opportunity to improve your child’s game alongside other children of the same age/level.
This membership also includes FREE coaching sessions every Friday afternoon after school, during term time. We are the only club in Jersey to offer these sessions for free. For more info on this please see our juniors page.
Join Us
Thank you for your interest in joining the Caesarean Tennis Club! Our prices shown here are for our winter membership which runs from
1st Sept 2024 - 31st March 2025, however, prices can be pro-rated from when you join. Please complete the form below and we will be in touch to confirm your membership and arrange payment.
Veteran (Age 67+)
Membership Categories
Adult (Age 31-66)
Winter Price
(Sept 2024 -March 2025)
Parental (1 parent to play tennis with own children only)
Youth (22yrs & under)
Non-playing (social)
30 & Under (Age 19-30)
Junior (10yrs & under)
Temporary Membership (max 2 weeks)