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AGM, New Club Rules, Open Inter Insular

AGM The year is drawing to a close and we wish to advise our members that we intend to hold the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1st December. Over the past few weeks we have notified you that a number of current committee members will be standing down. Anyone wishing to stand for the committee needs to be proposed and seconded by eligible members and the nominations sent to the manager. A few members have asked what would happen if nominations are not forthcoming. If there are no pre-AGM nominees then there are provisions in the Rules designed to deal with this situation: Under clause 3(e) a candidate just needs to be proposed and seconded at the AGM so if there is anyone "waiting in the wings" then that is the appropriate time to come forward. In addition to the above and no one comes forward to be nominated, it would appear from the Rules that once most of the items on the AGM's agenda have been taken care of, we can, under clause Rule 3(c) adjourn the remainder of any agenda item to date of our choosing until the conclusion of the AGM. If still, no one comes forward to fill those vital roles we can adjourn again until such time as volunteers come forward OR those wishing to come off the committee can just resign and walk away. A very difficult position to be in for the club as it cannot continue without an executive committee. As a reminder to you all, the definite and vital vacancies are:

  • Chair

  • Vice Chair

  • Mens Captain

  • Treasurer

  • Other roles will include:

  • House & Grounds

  • Safeguarding Officer

We are confident that our Junior Liaison Officer will continue and an interest has been shown for the Ladies Captain role. Formal notification of the AGM will be sent out to the members before 16th November followed by the various reports and the accounts. Adoption of the new updated Rules of the Caesarean Croquet & Lawn Tennis Club. Over the past 18 months, the Executive Committee has reviewed the Rules of the Club amended in 2013. The old Rules were out of date, long-winded and some clauses were considered to be totally unrealistic or inappropriate for the current day. The new Rules were sent to the Attorney General for review and consent to make the amendments, as required by our constitution. We are delighted to inform our members that approval has been granted. Attached are:

We wish to draw your attention to the fact that a change of name of the club was discussed but that it was found to be impossible without a further Act of the States. However, for your ease of reference, the following principal changes which might affect members and to which we would like to draw your attention are those dealing with:

  1. An increase in the Executive Committee’s limit on spending before the consent of members is required.

  2. A simplification in the procedure for application for membership

  3. A lengthening (to 150 days) of the period after the end of the financial year by when the AGM must be held. Some years it is difficult to get the audit completed and signed off by the Executive Committee by the end of November (the present AGM timeframe)

Friday - Sunday, 11th - 13th November Gillian Marsh and Marj Rimeur will be setting up their stalls again at the club on Friday in readiness for some early Christmas shoppers. Gill will be promoting her Tropic products and Marj her beautiful jewellery. Open Inter Insular Sunday 13th December we shall be hosting the Open Inter Insular. Guernsey won it last year so we hope that the trophy can be held by Jersey for the next 12 months. Good luck to all our players. Come down to the club to watch some great tennis being played. Matches start at 10.30 and finish at 3.30. Lights on / Lights off This is a polite reminder to all players to remember to turn off the court lights if no-one has booked the court directly after you. The switches for the four-court bubble are at the end of the bar. Should the front door be on the latch the code is 1867. Karen Barnes As many of you know coach Karen Barnes has not been at the club for a number of weeks due to her husband's illness. Tim battled melanoma in his leg 7 years ago which has returned along with two brain tumours. Tim is undergoing treatment at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Obviously, Karen is supporting her husband in the UK and, due to the treatment available, it is unlikely she will be returning to Jersey until the Spring. She wants to thank members for their support and kind wishes and hopes all her players are able to access coaching from the other coaches. As a Club, we wish Karen and her family all the best at this very difficult time. The club is obviously hugely grateful to the coaches for their hard work in keeping the squads up and running. Thanks also to Sarah Jones who is a qualified tennis coach, and is helping out whenever possible.


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