AGM Reminder
For this year’s AGM we would like to try a change of time. Instead of a mid-week night, it is proposed the AGM will be held on Saturday Afternoon at 4:30pm following the club tennis afternoon. The 18th November has been chosen as the preferred date as this allows the Financial Accounts to be completed and avoids the Christmas party season.
The bar will be open to provide drinks and light refreshments.
Please continue to raise any subjects or questions you wish to raise in A.O.B. via
New Bookkeeper
Let's extend a warm welcome to Jenny, our new bookkeeper, who brings a wealth of expertise to our club. Jenny is a certified bookkeeper who manages her own company, and she will be dedicating a few hours each week to support our club's financial well-being. We also want to say another big thank you to Sarah Jones for providing bookkeeping services to the club over the past couple of years and we wish her all the best for the future!
21 Point Tournament
This upcoming Sunday, Andrew Evans will be running the 21-Point Tournament, a fun singles competition. The objective is simple: be the first player to score 21 points. What sets this event apart is the absence of overarm serves. Instead, the game starts off with an underarm feed down the centre of the court to your opponent. The point officially starts when your opponent returns this underarm feed, and after each player has served for five points, the roles switch. The aim is to play lots of competitive points with longer rallies, making it an excellent workout for your fitness! Should a match reach 20 points, the winner is the one player who can then secure a two-point lead (e.g., 22-20).
Matches will last roughly 15 to 20 minutes. The number of matches you participate in depends on the turnout, but our hope is that everyone enjoys more than just a couple of matches within the allocated time frame.
If you'd like to sign up, kindly register via the link provided below before this Saturday. We encourage everyone to participate and enjoy this fun 21-Point Tournament. We look forward to seeing you on the court!
Quilter Cheviot Mens Night
We held our Men's Night Winter Session on the 9th of October and had a great evening of tennis! Well done to everyone who took part and to our winners:
Division 1: Louis Keenan
Division 2: Paul Lennon
Division 3: Mick Stein
Division 4: Matthew Herbert
Division 5: Byron Kerr, Ben Carey-Smith and Max Forbes
Division 6: Francis Mo and Philip Legrand
Winter League Reminder
A reminder that we will be running a Winter League starting at the end of the month. Aimed at all levels, adults and juniors 14yrs+ who are competing at island level. We hope to see lots of entries!
Click here to enter:Winter League Entries
Format: League Format and Rules
Competition organiser: Andrew Evans
Last date to enter: Sunday 15th October
Any questions please contact Andrew: