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Club Sessions and Events

Club Sessions Junior Squads and Junior Club Night finish this week, with Saturday (22nd July) being the last day of squads. Next Wednesday and Saturday (26th & 29th July) is also the last Adult Club Night/Afternoon. All club sessions will begin again in Autumn, from the 11th of September. BNP Paribas Summer Tournament This year, for the Summer Tournament, we have secured Kim from Scooby Shack to fulfil all our catering needs at no expense to the club. This is hopefully something we can work on again for next year but we must make sure that there is sufficient support for Kim to entice her back. The matches will be displayed daily and the bar will be open from 8.30/9.00am. Closing time in the bar will be dependent on staffing/volunteers. We have had a good response from members to volunteer in the bar but there's always room for more! Please contact Sue if you feel you would like to be involved - Junior Summer Camps Our Junior Summer Camp starts next week and already we are fully booked for the first 2 weeks so thanks to all who have signed up! If you haven't yet signed up and would like to, there is still plenty of spaces for the weeks of 14th-25th August, signs ups can be made below: Junior Summer Camp Sign Up Jersey County Closed 2023

There is an upcoming Jersey County Closed running from 20th-26th August. This will be an event organised and umpired by Michal Spiewak but fully under the LTA. Entries would require an LTA number for players but even if you are not registered yet it takes a few minutes and it's free.

Entry fees for events are kept low compared to other open events thanks to sponsor SaSo Advisers and support from JTA.

For more information please see the attached poster:

If you would like to enter please sign up via the link below before the closing date on 6th August.

If you have any questions please contact Michael at


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