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Upcoming AGM, Adult Winter League

AGM - 18th November

It's that time of year again. Please save the date for the 2023 AGM to be held on Saturday 18th November.

The proposed Agenda will include:

• Minutes of previous AGM

• Annual Reports of the Executive Committee.

• Accounts

• Executive Committee 2024 election

• Membership subscriptions for 2024

• Appoint auditors for the coming year

• Any other business

Members are requested to put forward any items for inclusion on the agenda, or advance questions for the committee or membership. Please send to

We also require nominations for the committee. The committee requires the following roles to be filled for 2024:

• Chair

• Vice-Chair

• Treasurer

• House and Grounds

• Safeguarding officer

• Men and Ladies Captains

• Junior Liaison Officer

• General committee members

We would also like to hear from anyone who doesn't feel they can commit for a full year but would be interested in assisting with a specific task, for example, an event or club improvement project.

The formal notice of AGM will be issued following the finalisation of the annual accounts (expected to be late October).

Winter League - 22nd Oct-17th Dec

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed a great Summer!

Sport is both competition and testing your skills and we haven’t held a Winter Club League for a while, so I would really like to get a Mixed Adult Winter Club league up and running this side of Christmas.I know we used to offer Singles, Doubles and Mixed leagues in the past but I really want to give a different format a go and see how popular it is before we add even more events. So here goes and the information about how the league will work is below, I really hope it is well supported and we can get some great competition, fun and enjoyment back into the sport of Tennis!

Click here to enter: Winter League Entries

Competition organiser: Andrew Evans

Last date to enter: Sunday 15th October

I really hope you enter and we can make this league grow, it gives everyone a purpose to compete and enjoy playing singles matches, it's aimed at all levels Ladies and men also for juniors 14+ years who are competing at island level.

I look forward to seeing the entries and organising the event.

Many thanks

Andrew Evans

Jersey vs Guernsey

The 45+ and 55+ teams will represent Jersey and compete against Guernsey this weekend. 45s away, 55s home. Matches start at 10am on Sunday 1st October at the Caesarean if members would like to come down and watch some great tennis!

On the 45s team: Adam Bayley, Rob Hannah, Lee Ingram, Luc Pajot, Sonia Smith, Claire Clarke, Helen Morrison and Noel Hurst.

On the 55s team: Ian Morgan, Phil Bain, Craig Stewart, David Warr, Karen Clark, Henrietta Manton-Jones, Michelle Fielding, and Zoe Wauton.

Good luck to everyone participating!

Quilter Cheviot Summer Mens Finals Night

All 10 courts were full of 40 players from the Caesarean Tennis Club. The biggest tennis league in Jersey with over 70 players taking part from May to September. List of winners below:

Player of the Season:

Rob Hannah

Junior Players of the Season:

Jasper Jensen, Sonny Derrian, Nial Hannah, Theo Stratford and Max Forbes

Most Appearances:

Craig Stewart, Tony Baracciano, Chris Leck

It was a great event and Tim Childe from Quilter Cheviot presented the prizes and was very complimentary about the high standard of tennis at the club. Thank you to Ian Morgan for organising the event and to Sue Holland and Catherine for running the bar. Also to SD Catering for providing everyone with delicious food!

The Winter season starts October 2nd until December. If you would like to participate, please contact Ian


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