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Caesarean Tennis Club Special General Meeting

Updated: Mar 15, 2024

Caesarean Tennis Club Special General Meeting

To Discuss and Vote on an Indoor Tennis Facility, known as “Project Athena”

When: Wednesday, 20th March 2024, 8:00pm

Venue: Caesarean Tennis Club, Grand Vaux, St Saviour, Jersey

A subcommittee has been exploring options for the future of the club's indoor courts:

Option 1:

The preferred option is to construct a permanent 'low profile' building over the 4 hard courts. Quite like the former indoor tennis facility at Les Ormes, ie steel portal frame shed with pitched roof and transparent gable ends. This option would be the most economical and the least problematic overtime. Roof insulation and ventilation would allow comfortable play in winter and summer. A planning application will be required, upfront costs will be higher, however there would be considerable savings on running and maintenance costs and a permanent structure would be far less susceptible to storm damage.

Option 2:

Erect a double skin bubble over the 4 hard courts (like the 2-court permanent bubble). A planning application will be required, life expectancy is 20 years max with high running and maintenance costs (electricity) and though more tolerant of higher wind speeds than the current temporary bubble, it would still be vulnerable to strong gale and storm force conditions (winds over 75km/h). This bubble could potentially be lowered in the summer months, but the inflation and deflation must be done by an off-island team, with all the associated travel, scheduling, and additional costs. Upfront costs are lower than Option 1, but long term it is the most expensive solution when all running costs are added in.

Option 3:

Do nothing. Stick with the current set up of 2 indoor courts in the permanent bubble and a temporary bubble over the 4 hard courts in winter. The weather in Jersey is on a solid trend with regular strong storms and running costs (electricity and repairs) rising ineluctably. We have lost 3 bubbles already and we are skeptical that our insurers will cover storm damage on the bubbles in the future. In practical terms, if we lose another temporary bubble the remaining two indoor courts in the permanent bubble are insufficient to serve all members/coaches and squad requirements in winter. It should be noted that the temporary bubble is rated for wind speeds of up to 65km/h. Storm Ciaran produced winds over 100km/h and we have experienced several further storms this winter with winds regularly over 60km/h.

Bubbles (Options 2 &3) also require constant attention and we do not have a maintenance team or a person available 24/7 to ensure they remain inflated.

Benefits of Permanent Indoor Tennis Centre

Increased number of indoor courts and availability

  • A permanent building will provide the club with 6no. permanent indoor courts.

  • A building will be much less vulnerable to storm damage so the number of indoor courts during winter and inclement weather is secured.

  • Year-round indoor courts will provide more certainty to our income generating activities, i.e. junior squads, tournaments, etc.

  • No requirement to close courts during high winds.



  • A permanent building will be storm-proof.

  • Although we can’t prevent future floods, post flood recovery should also be easier as a building can be hosed out afterwards.


Friendlier to neighbouring properties

  • A 'low profile' building would blend in more naturally to the surrounding area than a bubble.

  • Without the need for generators or fans a building would be quieter.

  • Less light pollution as the court lighting would be inside the building and the floodlights to the hard courts could be removed.


Operation and Maintenance

  • No requirement for annual maintenance and operation of machinery.

  • No middle of the night visits for emergencies to deal with.

  • No requirement for arranging twice yearly inflation/ deflation.



  • No more insurance insecurity for the bubbles.


Playing conditions

  • More comfortable conditions than bubbles as it is possible to ventilate during hot weather with roof ventilators and retractable doors.

  • Insulated roofing to mitigate against cold.

  • Better lighting can be achieved than is possible in both bubbles.

  • Transluscent rooflights will provide good visibility during daylight hours and reduce glare.

  • Viewing for tournaments and competitions can be provided from the clubhouse balcony.


Technology and Security

  • A permanent building provides a basis for technology to be incorporated into the courts in the form of video cameras and sensors.

  • A permanent building is inherently more secure as it can be easily locked and provided with electronic access control.



  • There is no requirement for mechanical ventilation plant to operate 24/7 saving ~£6000 per annum at current electricity prices.

  • Discussions have taken place with the JEC to rent the roof area in order to install a solar PV array, providing a potential revenue stream.

  • LED lighting for the courts is much more energy efficient than the current metal halide floodlights.


Long term investment

  • A permanent building with a life expectancy of 50+ years will secure the future of the club for years to come.

  • The 2-court dome has 5-10 years life expectancy remaining and will require replacement of the membrane and machinery. 

  • Jersey is bidding to host the Island Games in 2031 or 2033.  An indoor centre will potentially enable the Club to host the tennis fixtures once again.


Concept Drawings

Please see attachment below for the concept drawings:

Planning Permission


A major hurdle to overcome, will be obtaining planning consent for a new permanent structure. However, there are many reasons to be confident of a positive response from the planning department:

  • Pre-application advice has been provided by the planning department which appears to be positive.

  • There have been recent precedent decisions which we can draw upon: Padel Courts on court 5, Oakfield Sports Centre, Island Padel at St Clements, all of which involve developing indoor sports facilities in open space zones.

  • Less energy consumption and less light and noise pollution.

  • We are not expanding the club and therefore not contributing to increased traffic.

  • There is no effect on existing vegetation or natural ecology.

  • Better recovery from potential flooding.

  • The building is located at the bottom of a valley, behind hedging/ trees and does not overlook any neighbours, nor does it cast a shadow on neighbouring properties.



This SGM is only concerned with the Planning Application for the project and the final costs are yet to be determined. We are looking at all options for financing should permission be obtained.


At present high-level cost plan for the project is as follows. Please note, the Planning Application Fee figure is a WORST case scenario. We are working on getting support from Parish Deputies/Ministers/GoJ departments to reduce the Planning Application Fee to a more reasonable figure before an application is submitted by the Club.


The following motion is put before the members:

“The Committee is authorised to proceed with submission of a planning application for a permanent indoor tennis building (option 1) over the four existing outdoor hard courts within the grounds of the Club.”


  • Yes; the committee shall continue working on Project Athena by taking the next step of submitting a planning application. Further SGMs will be required to approve funding if planning is approved.

  • No; the committee shall discontinue working on Project Athena.

Voting Rules

  • Eligibility for Voting; Playing Members, Social Members and Veteran Members are eligible to vote at the SGM.

  • Quorum; A quorum of 20 members casting a vote is required for the motion to pass. Should a quorum not be achieved, the motion will be assumed to be ‘No’.

  • Online Voting; Online voting is permitted via electronic voting from 18th March until midnight on 19th March 2024. Eligible members will receive an email link to vote via ‘Mail Chimp’. Only one vote per member is permitted.

  • In-Person Voting; Eligible members who have not cast an online vote will be provided with a ballot paper at the SGM.

  • Result; The online and in-person votes will be tallied at the SGM and the result of the ballot will be announced.


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