BNP Paribas LTA Easter Tournament
The LTA Open Tournament starts on Sunday, 31st March and finishes on 5th April, Bella's will be open all weekend so please come down, have some food/drink and watch a couple of matches! The popular Mens and Ladies singles are on Thursday 5.30pm. You can view the scheduling of matches on the LTA website this is updated each day.
Please also note that the presentation to the winners and runner-ups will take place on Friday approx 4pm. We shall release courts as the week progresses but it is also very dependent on the weather, if it rains matches will of course have to be moved to the indoor courts. So please keep an eye on MyCourts if you wish to play and are not involved with the tournament. Members hoping for a certain time can set up “cancelled court alerts” on MyCourts and will receive an email when courts are available.
Marj and Gilian will also have their lovely jewellery and Tropic Skincare stalls set up in the bar over the weekend.
Following the SGM last week, we had an overwhelming vote in favour of the following motion: The Committee is authorised to continue working on a permanent indoor tennis building over the four existing outdoor hard courts within the grounds of the Club. A further vote shall be held prior to submitting a Planning Application, where details on planning costs and funding will be presented.More details regarding the project will be announced in due course.
Club Maintenance Update
The fence around the hard courts is now complete.
Flood protection pipework installed by the Government's Infrastructure Dept has now been moved from the court's corridor.
New game scorers installed on hard courts and in the bubble.
Ladies Captain
Trish Irving has kindly volunteered to take on the role of our new Ladies Captain! Trish will be organising our ever-popular Ladies Team Tennis and is currently working on the format. More details will be released soon so please keep an eye out if you're interested in joining.
NSPCC Tournament
Marj Rimeur is organising a charity tennis tournament in aid of NSPCC on Thursday 16th May from 9-1pm, play will commence at 9am so please arrive earlier if you would like to warm up. Refreshments will include free bottles of water and the legendary lunch provided by Biddy Waters at 12.45pm. There will also be a raffle and cake stall. If you have any suitable prizes, please bring them along on the day.
Entry is £35 per person including entrance fees, water, morning play and super buffet lunch, with all monies raised going directly to the NSPCC in Jersey.
If you would like to sign up, please complete the attached form and return to
Men's Tennis
Men's Quilter Cheviot tennis will start on Monday 22nd April at 6:30pm.
Ian Morgan will be running the event, to sign up please email ian@cybertrain.org the cost is £5 per session. Please sign up early if you're interested in taking part.