BNP Paribas Tournament
This week-long tournament, kindly sponsored by BNP Paribas, begins on Sunday 17th April and the finals will take place on Saturday 23rd April. Presentations to all our winners and runners up will take place at the club on Saturday 23rd at approximately 3pm.
A representative from BNP Paribas has been invited to the club to make the presentations.
Please note that all 10 courts are currently booked out for the tournament but we shall release courts as soon as possible if they are not required. Keep an eye on the MyCourts booking sheets.
There are a couple of categories that do need some support namely Mens doubles +45 and Ladies doubles +45. If anyone wishes to enter, our referee will accept late entries. Please email her on dbudd1023@aol.com and payment can be made when she is in Jersey. You will need to give her the names of both players and their BTM membership number. Draws and times for your matches on the LTA British Tennis competitions site as the referee has not received email addresses for all entrants.
Bakers required
As always we kindly ask for donations of homemade cakes. Our ladies have always provided the tournaments with some delicious cakes so please, if you would like to bring along a cake during the tournament week, please contact Jenna Fleming on mark_and_jenna@yahoo.co.uk.
Membership Renewals
Membership renewals can now be paid quickly and efficiently online where your membership subscription has been calculated for you. To renew, go to our Membership Renewals page - click here. The instructions on how to do this are then clear for you to follow. You will need to log in to your TouchTopUp membership card by entering your user name and password. Please note renewals are not paid by topping up your card, you will need to go to the "wallets" part of the site. Also, you cannot renew using MyCourts - please ignore subscriptions on this site as we do not use this feature.
If you choose to pay your subscription by BACS and not use the website, please ensure you select your correct membership subscription amount and add the appropriate Sinking Fund Levy. The Levy is £25 for the various Adult Membership Categories (26+years and above). The Levy is £15 for the various Junior/Young Adult Membership Categories (11+ years through 25 years). Juniors 10 years and younger do not pay the Levy and neither do Social Members. From 1 May, a £35 late charge will be applied to all overdue subscriptions.
Caesarean C&L Tennis Club
Sort code: 30-94-61
Account No: 65313368
The website is great - it looks modern and is easy to manoeuvre. A big thank you to our office team who have worked closely together to produce this much needed new website:
Jonathan for instigating, designing and providing the membership cards and procuring the partial sponsorship of Quilter Cheviot to manufacture the cards. These cards will be used in many ways as we move along to the next stage of card usage.
Natalie: using her graphic design skills and technical abilities, she was certainly up for the challenge and has achieved an amazing job.
We also thank Tim Shute for providing us with a modern, new logo and Rob Sutherland who came to the club armed with his camera. The photos really enhance the entire site.
Bank Holiday
Please note that the office will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
The bar will be closed on Good Friday only. With the upcoming tournament, we are intending to open the bar each day from 8.30 am. Hot drinks/cold drinks/snack lunches and more will be served and the bar shall remain open in the evening with food provided by Compadres. Alan & Goncalo plus another member of staff or volunteer will be there to serve you.
Junior Squads
All information for next term squads will be emailed next week and once again members can be enrolled using the ever-popular Eventbrite.