Adult Club Afternoon
Apologies but tonight's club afternoon (20th Sept) is cancelled due to the weather and unfortunately, all indoor courts are fully booked. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Quilter Cheviot Mens Finals
Mark your calendars for the Quilter Cheviot Men's Season Finals, set to unfold next Monday, September 25th, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. With all ten courts reserved for this event, the club will be buzzing with lots of tennis. Joining us is Tim Childe from Quilter Cheviot, who will be presenting prizes to players of the season. After the matches, our bar will be open for refreshments, so we invite you to come down and watch some great tennis!
Simon Wheatley Visit
Last weekend Simon Wheatly visited the club to deliver some world-class coaching to the club members and island players. Simon has been to Jersey many times before and loves coming over to work with the players, he worked with all age groups and levels from Orange ball and Green ball juniors right through to the Performance Adults and Island players. It proved a great success and Simons energy, knowledge and enthusiasm for teaching and improving everyone who came along to attend. Thank you to all the members who took part and we hope to see Simon back in the future.
Junior Winter League
A reminder to parents of juniors in orange, green and yellow ball. You should've all received an email about the upcoming Winter Competition that Andrew would like to organise for juniors in October. If you would like to sign up, please can you email Andrew before the 25th of September - thetennislocker@gmail.com
Grainville vs Caesarean
Club members were invited to play three timed sets of Ladies Dubs/Men’s Dubs and two timed sets of Mixed Dubs, at Grainville Tennis Club on the weekend. Games were tallied and the final score was 78/127, with CCLTC coming out as the winners this time. Thanks again GTC for arranging the day, nice weather and the hospitality and we look forward to hosting at CCLTC soon.
Rusty Rackets
This is a five-week programme run by our coaches, starting from 21st Sept-14th Oct at 12-1pm. We already have a few members signed up for this programme but there's still spaces left for anyone would like to join. Sign up here
Court Flood Lights
A reminder to members that it is that time of year when floodlights are starting to be used, so please can we all remember to turn them off after play. Thank you.