Storm Clean Up A big thank you to the volunteer team on Saturday last week who helped with the Storm Ciaran clean up. We had seven members muck in, plus two parents waiting for squad children, and three further members willing to help but the time just didn’t work for them this time. We achieved a great deal in two hours to help toward the Club rebuilding, again, after yet another major weather event. We have been very lucky that the 2-court bubble survived the storm. The process for permanent repair to the bubble by a UK team has started but thanks again to Chris Clark who has done some rather ingenious temporary repairs where we lost two anchor points and suffered a snapped cable so that hopefully no further damage will happen while we wait for the UK team to organise themselves. AGM Reminder The AGM will be held this Saturday 18th November, at 4.30pm in the clubhouse. Complementary drinks and sandwiches will be provided. Nominations for committee members are still required for next year. Please get in touch if you are interested in being involved. Please forward any questions or issues you would like to raise in advance to allow responses or information to be prepared to club-communications@ctc.club Proposed Subscriptions Please see below the proposed subscriptions for 2024. These are to be voted on at the AGM. Headlines are:
Subscriptions remain the same as 2023
Off peak indoor court pricing is already in place
Number of categories reduced
Early bird discount for on-time payment
Social parent requirement abolished

Payment methods for subscription renewals are as follows:
Online using the Club’s wallet portal (The links will be sent to members prior to renewal date as last year)
BACS (Bank details will be sent to members prior to renewal date)
Any member who cannot renew using either method should contact the office prior to 1st April 2024 for advice.
Dingle Tournament - 19th November Join us for a fun game of Singles to Doubles - Dingles! A point is started with both players on the same team feeding the ball underarm at the same time to start the two singles points. The singles points are played out at the same time in the half-doubles court. When one singles point finishes the other point which is still in play now becomes the doubles point! To win one point, the doubles team needs to win both the singles and doubles points, to win the match it's the first to five, four all is sudden death! It’s a fun game and as coaches, we use it a lot, as everyone is involved a the same time and lots of action and it's tough to win one point! Closing date for sign-ups is 17th November. Sign up here: Dingle Tournament Junior Christmas Camp Our Junior Tennis Camps are back for December half-term! These camps are a great way to get your kids to have fun, make new friends and stay active during the half-term! Running from 9am-12pm, 18th-22nd December and open to both members (£35 a day) and non-members (£40 a day). Book online today: Junior Christmas Camp Tickets The deadline for signups is 13th December.