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Winter Bubble and Court Prices

Inflation of Winter Bubble

We do appreciate that this is very short notice but the Winter Bubble will be inflated on Wednesday 21st September. We have favourable weather conditions, Aldonio and his team of men are available, Jonathan will be the project manager and we can arrange a facetime with an employee from Covair (UK Company who normally come across), should we have any queries.

Covair cannot guarantee that they will have the personnel to come to Jersey before the Winter sets in so we basically have no choice but to do it ourselves. Aldonio and his men have always been involved with putting it up and taking it down, so they are experienced in doing this. All those members who have booked the hard courts for Wednesday have been offered courts either in the 2 court bubble or the astro courts.

Court prices

Prices for the indoor courts and lights have not been increased since Jan 2020. Unfortunately like everything else we now have to make an increase in the payment structure. Unfortunately, the lights, in particular, have been an increasing cost as they are not regularly turned off by members after use. Please note that there will be no peak and off-peak time in the 2 court bubble. The 2 court bubble charge will be the same as the 4 court bubble charge during the time that lights are required. Most members use the lights during the day in the 2 court bubble, so we have no choice but to increase the court hire costs to include the use of lights.

Please note that the new prices will come into effect soon after the Bubble goes up successfully and MyCourts is updated, but it will be approximately 2 weeks that the old prices will remain in place.



Jan 2020

New Price - 2022

4 Court Bubble Charges




​0.5 hour




1 hour




1.5 hours




Cost per doubles player per 1.5 hrs play








4 Court Bubble Charges with Lights




0.5 hour




1 hour




1.5 hours




Cost per doubles player per 1.5 hrs play








Astro Courts with Lights




0.5 hour




1 hour




1.5 hours




Cost per doubles player per 1.5 hrs play








Cost per doubles player per 1.5 hrs play




0.5 hour




1 hour




1.5 hours




Cost per doubles player per 1.5 hrs play




Quilter Cheviot Event

The event which took place last Thursday evening for one of our main sponsors, Quilter Cheviot, was a huge success. This was an event for their staff, clients and families and ages ranged from 4 months to "much older"! Our coaches did an amazing job of entertaining everyone - Scott was in the Bubble for the little ones, Karen B transformed the second floor into a games room, the ball machine was great fun as was the speed gun for serving. Other guests just used the courts to play tennis and those less inclined to pick up a racket enjoyed drinks on the balcony. SD Catering supplied a delicious BBQ on the balcony.

Our club is a great venue for these events - whether it be client-based or private party. In order for everything to run smoothly and to plan, it takes a lot of time to set up an event. Thanks to Sue, Karen and Rachel, volunteer committee members, who gave up much of their time to get involved. Volunteers are always needed for any event - whether it be big or small.

Safe for sale

You may have noticed an antique safe at the entrance to the club. This has been in the bar area for years but is now no longer required. We are open to offers! Please get in touch with the office if you, or someone you may know, may be interested.

Bike left at club

A bike has been left at the club for a number of weeks now. If it belongs to you or someone you know, please can it be removed within the next 14 days, otherwise, we will have to dispose of it.

Raffle prizes for Island Games team for 2023

A request from Sonia Smith - Chairperson for JLTA.

"We are hoping to run a Christmas raffle to raise funds for the Island Games team next July. Travel is so expensive nowadays and our players are young and need help with funding. If anyone has a prize they could donate for the raffle please contact Sonia on"


Karen Barnes is taking some personal time off from the Club. We do not have much detail but we wish her and her family the best and request members to respect her privacy at this time.


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