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Summer Tournament, Grainville Match, Vets & Super Vets Team

Match against Grainville Tennis Club

24 players valiantly played 3 rounds of tennis last Sunday in very sunny conditions. - one round of mens and ladies doubles followed by two rounds of mixed doubles. Each round lasted 45 minutes with a much-needed 10-minute break to replenish lost liquids! Thanks to all our players who also brought along some delicious cakes. Thanks also to Ian who organised the matches and the pairings. These "friendly" matches are very social and it is always a pleasure to meet with tennis players from other island clubs.

Final result 76 games to Caesarean v 70 games to Grainville.

BNP Paribas Summer Tournament

Message from our referee:


Just a reminder that this years Summer Grade 3 takes place between 14th to 19th Aug in Jersey. The closing date is Sunday 31st July at 10am. If you want to enter the tournament code is C.I-22-0006

You can also enter via our website and click on the link

If you have any questions you can email or text 07710402715



Please note:

A number of players have viewed the entry site and possibly got as far as placing an entry into their basket. Unless the entry process is complete and payment has been made, then your entry has not been accepted and you will not be included in the requested match category. Also please note that, in the doubles categories, both members of a doubles team need to enter. Not just one half of the doubles team Both players need to do their own entry. There are a number of "half only" teams!

Vets & Super Vets

This is a "heads up" to those who may be interested in playing in either the Vets or Super Vets team against Guernsey.

Please note the format has changed for this year so please read the extract below from a message sent by Gerald Hough of GLTA who has been in consultation with Sonia Smith Chairperson of JLTA:

50 and over InterInsular Tennis Championships.

The CILTA committee, after consultation with club chairs, has decided to alter the format of the inter-islands veterans tennis tournament to facilitate organisation and team selection, and to bring the age band in line with the LTA. To qualify you will need to be at least 50 years old during 2022.

Rather than have Vets (45 and over) and Super Vets (55 and over) we will have two teams A and B all of whom will be aged 50 and over. Each team will have 4 men and 4 ladies. The A team will be made up from the higher ranked players. Team A will play on one of the islands and Team B the other. Each team will designate 1st and 2nd pairings.

The date set for the competition is Sunday the 2nd October 2022. Team A will play in Jersey and Team B in Guernsey. In 2023 this will reverse. The CILTA will contribute £100 per person towards the flight costs for the travelling teams.

If you are interested in being selected to play for Jersey please contact Ian Morgan on There will be a couple of trial sessions in August - Sunday 21st and Sunday 28th 4pm-5.30pm at the Caesarean Tennis Club. Teams will then be selected and more sessions will be arranged in September to play with your selected partners.

Club Hoodies

With the upcoming Summer Tournament in August, these hoodies will look very smart for our junior players. They are available for purchase from the club office.

Prices and sizes are:

Junior M: 137-147cm - £30

Junior L: 147-158cm - £30

Junior XL: 158-170cm - £30

Adult Small: 170-183cm - £40


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